Dr Qiang Xiao

Dr Qiang Xiao

Post-doctoral researcher (2003-2008)

Qiang Xiao was born in Shanxi, China, in 1975. He studied chemistry at Lanzhou University and received his undergraduate and master’s degrees there in 1997 and 2000 respectively. In 2003, he completed his PhD at Tsinghua University with Prof. Yufen Zhao. In the same year he joined the Brown group as a post-doctoral research assistant. In 2005 he returned to China to establish his own research group in Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University. From 2007-2008 Qiang returned to the Brown group as a visitor. He is now director of an organic chemistry laboratory in Jiangxi Province in China. Qiang’s research interests are total synthesis of novel marine alkaloids, the chemistry of marine natural products and the combination of organic synthesis and biology.