Towards the use of sporopollenin in drug delivery: Efficient encapsulation of oligonucleotides

S. L. Atkin, S. Barrier, S. T. Beckett, T. Brown, G. Mackenzie and L. Madden . Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 7, 307-311, 2005.


Sporopollenin exines (25 um) were extracted, nitrogen free, from Lycopodium clavatum and shown, by scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy, to form monodispersed and uniformly sized microcapsules which are capable of encapsulating the fluorescence tagged (5'-FAMDYE) oligonucleotides 5'-ACGTCGACCTTA and 5'-GATTCTATGAGACGGGTCT respectively with high efficiency. Such exine capsules have the potential to be a novel delivery agent for oligonucleotide drugs.